EVENT 5/31(金) 21:30〜▶🎬ソロモンの偽証 後篇・裁判 無料放送!

ENGIN#9 Live

  • レベル 1
  • サポーター 0
What's Up All!!
This is ENGIN#9 Member of "New York City Breakers".
Guys you know New York City Breakers, right?

I'm Popin'&Lockin' Master of NYCB. And Only member of Japanese.

So, I'm Dancer, but I'm Doing a lot of think,
Actor, Desingner(Web&Print&Clothes), Photographer, Writer, Net RADIO OWNER, Producer, Director&Personality....

My title of a lot of mean...  I'm call "Artist" or "Creator".

I'm living Japan now, But I was lived in New York City past 13years.
In the 2001, I create Internet RADIO Station call "Boogie Woogie Cafe" after 911.

And I was returan to Japan in 2005, I Create another Internet RADIO Station call "M Channel".

And, so.....
I have street clothes brand, call 'Street Level New York'
I make real street design.

I'm Director of 'hoyu Dance Dynamite World Grand Prix'. This is only B-Boy World Grand Prix in Japan.

I quite job end of last year, and I started company call 'Phat Field Creaters'

Our business is basicly design work (for Web, Print and clothes etc....).

So, I'm looking for any offer. for showcase, workshop, judgeing etc....
Feel free! Contact me!!