f:Koji Higashiguchi Live

Koji Higashiguchi @f:100000847163598
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luvwine.jp/ 大阪の天満・梅田茶屋町・四ツ橋でお気軽高級ワインluvwine(ラブワイン)を経営。毎週国がかわるワインはとてもリーズナブル。ボトルワインは定価+千円、グラスワインも600円で定価2-3千円クラスのワインが飲めます!グラスのお値段は普通のお店の約半額。1万円以上するワインもグラスで飲めます。お料理もワインに合わせ一生懸命つくってます。ぜひ一度ご来店してください。

Osaka's best value wine bar at Tenma, Umeda and Yotsubashi. Offers 7 kinds glass wines with remarkable prices such as only 1000en extra add on proper  bottle price. It means 3000yen wine at  liquor shop, luvwine sells it as 4000yen,(5250en to 6300yen at regular restaurant)
Glass wines are also reasonable which from 500yen to 1800yen (almost half price compare to other restaurants)
Pay same but taste double quality.
Service is very friendly and casual. Some staffs are available for English, French and Chinese.
Please enjoy wine dining at luvwine!