(삭제 중)

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║██║ ♫
║(O)║ I LOVE
╚══╝ MUSIC
      I ℓ٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥υ
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People often call me CESS.
My Birthday is On March 23, 1994 Which Makes Me seventeen. i Live in a Terribly Small Village in Buenlag. Im a 2nd Year College Student.

here i share my stuuff and one of my biggest DiSTRACTiON! :">

I just need someone who puts me first
and not just push me to the side.
I'm not beautiful like you
I'm beautiful like me. Just the way I am.
I know I'm not perfect. I can't pretend to be.
I don't care if someone doesn't like me.
I wasn't put on this earth to entertain anyone. :p
I can't hide a bad mood from people who know me well.
I'm too much sensitive,
When it comes to my loved ones & I get mad often.
i love my PAPA,MAMA so much.
They are my everlasting inspiration.
my motivation. my reason to live.
i hate waiting. :|
I hate when everyone says be patient. They don't know how difficult it is to be patient. They are not feeling the same thing like me.

I have SOMEONE who knows how completely insane I am
& yet, wouldn't want me any other way
im deeply inlove with my..... :)
I'm proud to say that I'm the luckiest girl
in the world for having him in my life..
he is the one who loves me when I'm around
& loves me more when I'm not . :)

don’t ask me for shit.
This is how it goes. I will respect those who respect me, and forget those who forget me. Simple as that ;)


judge me &
i'll prove u wrong...
tell me wat 2 do &
i will tell u off..
xay am not worth it &
watch where i end up..
col me a bitch &
i'll show u one..
col me crazy
but u rily have no idea..


do not request if you don’t have a mutual fiends..
if i denied u once. don't add me again..
if u msg. me & i don't msg. u bak..
get a hint i don't want u..
don't ask me over & over how old i am...
try 2 be lyk me..
get over it...
der wll never be anoder lyk me...
don't add 2 start more drama....

i kip it real &
dats a promize...
i may be a bitch
but im honest...
when i walk by,
u stop stare...
well kip looking...
coz i don't care...
i have mah own lyf & style...
not trying 2 please u
or make u smile!!..
when it cums 2 competition u're out..
now shut ur hatin' ass..
& kip me out ur MOUTH...

i want a guy!!hmmpf!! ..

A guy who will love me for what I am...
A guy who dont know the word "SORRY"
and never say that word...
because he never want to hurt me..
Who has a time for me...
Who cant keep his hands off me...
Who would make me feel like im the only girl in his world...
Who can make me smile when tears are streaming down my face...
Someone who will never give up..