
ワンコイン英会話サークル実況中継 @c:OneCoinEnglish
  • Level 1
  • Fanned 0
(Scroll down for English)

Although you probably spend your valuable after-work hours relaxing over drinks, how about using that time to brush up on your English once in a while? The cost of a single beer allows you to speak and learn with like-minded friends!



One Coin Eikaiwa is a group comprised mainly of Japanese members (though all nationalities are welcome) that meet up after work to converse in English. People who are interested in studying English, those who don't want to lose what they learned overseas on business or exchange, etc... Our diverse participants are all happy to have a pressure-free atmosphere in which to practice.

We provide a system in which participants can speak more English - and more actively - than at any other English conversation school!

Twitter :twitter.com/GRT_Monica
Mixi   :mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=6213774
公式HP  :onecoinenglish.jimdo.com