텍스트 검색 : startup company

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モイ! ツイキャスから配信中!StartUp Companyやる!
あやすん (@fromFEAYSN)
趣味&雑多垢 銀魂:攘夷四天王箱推し グラブル:四騎士,ウェールズ,星トモ,四大天司推し👉アグロヴァル,ミカエル最推し(サークルで呟やき中) FE:カゲロウさん最推し,ミネ..


Rails, Phoenix, Startups. Created https://t.co/IFZoS5qBq1 featured on Lifehacker, FastCompany. Made https://t.co/I7uqmuA4R0. Lover not a fighter 🇬🇧🇯🇵
日本のスタートアップでアジアマーケットを狙った越境ECとインバウンド訪日客向けのアプリやってます。I'm joining the Japanese startup company. I always keep in min..
I run IT company in Tokyo. I'm Python AI programmer and YouTube marketing consultant #datascience #VR #Python #deeplearning #startup #人工知能 #entrepreneur
Shinji Kimura
I'm the Founding CEO of Atlantis. Atlantis has biggest smart phone Adnetwork in Japan and was acquired by Gree in Jan 2011. http://jp.techcrunch.com/archives..
I am staying in Bangkok for the job before 2years.Just mooving to Vietnam at 2013, stay in Vietnam now. The startup company is up and doing every day. 20100123
Bhentenkz Welbe Net
10-09-14day month year invented)(17-09merah)-------------10 Tempat Ter-Extreme di Dunia - Fakta Unik---------------------------------------- 11 Hal Menyak..
Rudra Hossain
I'm the employee of Hopthemes website themes and tamplate development company. We make HTML, Bootstrap, Tailwind and more language website themes and template..
Kumiko Ishida
フィリピンでのスタートアップを経て、2014年1月から現在東南アジアでデジタルノマド中です。 After startup in the Philippines, I'm being Digital Nomad in South-Eas..
Kosaka Hideo
小坂英雄 Hideo Kosaka プロフィール 2003年開業、(有)起業経営研究所代表取締役。 小坂行政書士事務所代表。 (財)あいち産業振興機構 創業プラザあいち 新事業コーデ..
Nakia Reigh
I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur, woman of faith, mom, Domestic violence survivor, inspirational and instructional speaker, blogger. I am a forward-thi..
Johnny Sayasane
Startup, Cosplay Community, Entrepreneur, Developer and Artist. Founder & President of Lao Otaku Club. Cofounder & CCO of BIZGITAL and FOXPRESS company.
Keisuke Kajitani
※BetweeenのステマBOTはこちらになります。 カップル専用アプリBetweenの日本展開をやってます。 We make the best couple app in the world. Between - app for cou..
Kei Yamaguchi
#doit #world #worldwide #business #IT #startup #visionary #company #universal #univers #university #biotech #research #japan #discovery #universeed
Sunny Tsang
Investor in startups & funds Founder @ Fond (acquired) Founder @ Goood Company (acquired)