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Claire Alsheffield🦅
紅茶とコーヒーと酒が趣味 ゲーム、アニメ、芸能関係は基本的に興味無い人種
ゲームして寝るのが趣味の大学生☪︎ 本当は話したいのに声がコンプレックス。
Keisuke Sheffield
十六夜とも名乗ってました。 パソコンとカメラとタバコが趣味。リムご遠慮なくどうぞ(^^; 日の丸警備保障(株)在宅警備部 弾着監視係 係長代理補佐
アフリカ・マラウイで国際協力する人|農業支援・衛生改善現地調整員 |元🇲🇼青年海外協力隊(JOCV) |感染症・エイズ対策 |公衆衛生|@sheffielduni|AfriMedicoプロボノ..
FFではマンドラ鯖にて活動中! BF、ToS、FF14、FGOなどなどプレイ中! Inelu Sheffield←私の分身 今キャラエレゼンあと劇する人です!
Paul England
Ice Hockey is my life.Sheffield Steeldogs(NIHL), Langley Rivermen(BCHL) Love live music/Periscope gigs
20歳 / University of Sheffield / 北大 / I have a really embarrassing taste in music / Japanese vocab account: @calebvocab 鍵付きですがフォローお気軽にどうぞ〜
KG/Alexander International/Sheffield/Boston/SWU 🇯🇵×🇵🇭
Takumi Chikamoto
(Alexanders International School/Sheffield)→KIFL→APU kmuse
栗又 彩歌
敬愛学園*英国留学組/ Sheffield College ✡。:*Whittaker Family ✡。:*
Saiyaka Juliette Sheffield
the vamps ❤️ Little mix ❤️ The vamps middle of the night tour Sheffield 28.4.17 💜💜
Rick Parker
Musician, gamer, geek, podcaster, IT training and analyst. 🇬🇧 Social media for Sheffield Board Games Club.
Lucy Biggin
Am pretty beautiful a princess am a fast runner I support the best team in the world Sheffield united I have a caring family and i have a caring heart and I ..
Waldemar Stefan
Designer formado pela PUC RJ, cursos de extensão : NYU (New York University, Parsons School, School Of Visual Arts, Sheffield Polytechnic School.
Brandy Sheffield
I love to read, wright promes and books. i love horses, cats dogs . My family means the world to. That goes for school family & my family at home
TBCI Love 1D. Love football/soccer. Support Sheffield wednesday. Niall and Harrys girl. So proud of the boys. Going to the WWA tour in manchester
小栗旬モバイルPLATINUM STAGE / ビジャレアル @VillarrealCF 2003.08〜 / シェフィールド・ユナイテッド @SheffieldUnited 2019.08〜 / @vega_official_ 2001.5〜 / @Te..
服とか映画とかいろいろ好き。法政二高→法政経済3年/Sheffield uni
Emma 14 From sheffield (Janokians,Room 94, Daniel J,Union J,5SOS,b.a.m, One Direction,Symmetry,The Vamps,Elyar Fox,mcfly,Janoksians)
The Round Hound
The Round Hound, Sheffield. Ale, music and eatery in the heart of the steel city!
Tom Swallow
English Language student at Lancaster University :) Also I'm from the best city in the UK #Sheffield
Hosei uni/United Kingdom /Sheffield/Soft tennis
Hiroyuki Suzuki
A Tribologist based in Hino and Sheffield. A road cyclist, mountain trekker, sitcom novice from heart of greentea farm, Japan.
Thomas Haley
I am Tom, or Producer Tom, or Harry! Currently training to be an Engineer (or something...) @Sheffield Uni! My views. Mine.
EPL / Manchester City / ももクロ(紫) 私立恵比寿中学(瑞季・裕乃) チームしゃちほこ(黄)
Ellie Robinson
Well... My names Ellie Robinson, Im from sheffield♥ Imm 15 andd 100% 1D obsessed 'till the end. I follow back, Just ask♥
Mykey Winstanley
I enjoy Sheffield Wednesday - as much as I can - the cinema, films, music and gigs!