
Heather Bratt @f:1390611687624949
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I am Heather's Home-Parties and I am a proud Double Diamond with It Works Global as an independent distributor.

Body Wraps-Wrap You Healthy (It Works Body Applicator)

#1 – I help you get your SEXY BACK!
Over the years getting older, having kids, gaining and or losing weight our bodies change and our skin reacts. I have the secret weapon to tone, tighten and firm your skin; The Ultimate Body Applicator helps do just that as well as loose inches in 45 minutes or less. It is not a water loss! www.wrapyouhealthy .com or www.facebook.com/wrapyouhealthy
You can make $$ helping others getting their sexy back, message me “Show me the money” and I will get you the information you need to get started.